ncnn 中的 warpAffine

news/2024/7/21 5:51:27 标签: 深度学习, ncnn, 图像处理, arm

ncnn 的仿射变换对于深度学习的预处理即小图变换进行了优化,速度可达到 OpenCV 的两倍。详细请参考 opencv ncnn warpaffine 性能测试。在具体实现方面,优点是简洁明快,双线性插值采用10bit 量化,比 OpenCV 精度高;缺点是边界填充仅支持常量值。

下面从 ncnn 的测试代码入手进行分析。



    return test_mat_pixel_affine_0() || test_mat_pixel_affine_1();


    return 0
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_a(60, 70)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_b(60, 70)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_c(60, 70)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_d(60, 70)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_e(60, 70)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_f(60, 70)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_g(60, 70)

           || test_mat_pixel_affine_a(120, 160)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_b(120, 160)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_c(120, 160)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_d(120, 160)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_e(120, 160)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_f(120, 160)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_g(120, 160)

           || test_mat_pixel_affine_a(220, 330)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_b(220, 330)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_c(220, 330)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_d(220, 330)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_e(220, 330)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_f(220, 330)
           || test_mat_pixel_affine_g(220, 330);


get_rotation_matrix 生成变换参数矩阵。

    for (int c = 1; c <= 4; c++)
        ncnn::Mat a0 = RandomMat(w, h, c);

        float tm[6];
        float tm_inv[6];
        ncnn::get_rotation_matrix(10.f, 0.15f, w / 2, h / 2, tm);
        ncnn::invert_affine_transform(tm, tm_inv);

        ncnn::Mat a1(w / 2, h / 2, (size_t)c, c);
        ncnn::Mat a2 = a0.clone();

        if (c == 1)
            ncnn::warpaffine_bilinear_c1(a0, w, h, a1, w / 2, h / 2, tm, 0);
            ncnn::warpaffine_bilinear_c1(a1, w / 2, h / 2, a2, w, h, tm_inv, -233);
        if (c == 2)
            ncnn::warpaffine_bilinear_c2(a0, w, h, a1, w / 2, h / 2, tm, 0);
            ncnn::warpaffine_bilinear_c2(a1, w / 2, h / 2, a2, w, h, tm_inv, -233);
        if (c == 3)
            ncnn::warpaffine_bilinear_c3(a0, w, h, a1, w / 2, h / 2, tm, 0);
            ncnn::warpaffine_bilinear_c3(a1, w / 2, h / 2, a2, w, h, tm_inv, -233);
        if (c == 4)
            ncnn::warpaffine_bilinear_c4(a0, w, h, a1, w / 2, h / 2, tm, 0);
            ncnn::warpaffine_bilinear_c4(a1, w / 2, h / 2, a2, w, h, tm_inv, -233);

        if (CompareNearlyEqual(a0, a2) != 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "test_mat_pixel_affine_a failed w=%d h=%d c=%d\n", w, h, c);
            return -1;

    return 0;


[ x ′   y ′ w ′ ] = [ 1 0 t x 0 1 t y 0 0 1 ] [ cos ⁡ θ − sin ⁡ θ 0 sin ⁡ θ cos ⁡ θ 0 0 0 1 ] [ s x 0 0 0 s y 0 0 0 1 ] [ 1 0 − t x 0 1 − t y 0 0 1 ] [ x   y w ] = [ cos ⁡ θ − sin ⁡ θ t x sin ⁡ θ cos ⁡ θ t y 0 0 1 ] [ s x 0 0 0 s y 0 0 0 1 ] [ 1 0 − t x 0 1 − t y 0 0 1 ] [ x   y w ] = [ s x cos ⁡ θ − s y sin ⁡ θ t x s x sin ⁡ θ s y cos ⁡ θ t y 0 0 1 ] [ 1 0 − t x 0 1 − t y 0 0 1 ] [ x   y w ] = [ s x cos ⁡ θ − s y sin ⁡ θ − t x s x cos ⁡ + t y s y sin ⁡ θ + t x s x sin ⁡ θ s y cos ⁡ θ − t x s x sin ⁡ θ − t y s y cos ⁡ θ + t y 0 0 1 ] [ x   y w ] \begin{aligned} \begin{bmatrix} x' \ \\ y' \\ w'\end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & t_x \\ 0 & 1 & t_y\\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \cos \theta & -\sin \theta & 0\\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} s_x & 0 & 0\\ 0 & s_y & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & -t_x \\ 0 & 1 & -t_y\\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \ \\ y \\ w\end{bmatrix}\\ &= \begin{bmatrix} \cos \theta & -\sin \theta & t_x\\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta & t_y\\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} s_x & 0 & 0\\ 0 & s_y & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & -t_x \\ 0 & 1 & -t_y\\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} x \ \\ y \\ w\end{bmatrix}\\ &= \begin{bmatrix} s_x\cos \theta & -s_y\sin \theta & t_x\\ s_x\sin \theta & s_y\cos\theta & t_y\\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & -t_x \\ 0 & 1 & -t_y\\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \ \\ y \\ w\end{bmatrix}\\ &= \begin{bmatrix} s_x\cos\theta & -s_y\sin \theta & -t_x s_x\cos + t_y s_y\sin\theta+t_x \\ s_x\sin \theta & s_y\cos \theta & -t_x s_x\sin\theta- t_ys_y\cos\theta + t_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \ \\ y \\ w\end{bmatrix} \end{aligned} x yw=100010txty1cosθsinθ0sinθcosθ0001sx000sy0001100010txty1x yw=cosθsinθ0sinθcosθ0txty1sx000sy0001100010txty1x yw=sxcosθsxsinθ0sysinθsycosθ0txty1100010txty1x yw=sxcosθsxsinθ0sysinθsycosθ0txsxcos+tysysinθ+txtxsxsinθtysycosθ+ty1x yw

  1. 平移坐标,使原点位于 ( t x , t y ) (t_x, t_y) (tx,ty)
  2. 旋转 θ \theta θ
  3. 缩放 ( s x , s y ) (s_x, s_y) (sx,sy)
  4. 平移回去。
    angle *= (float)(3.14159265358979323846 / 180);
    float alpha = cos(angle) * scale;
    float beta = sin(angle) * scale;

    tm[0] = alpha;
    tm[1] = beta;
    tm[2] = (1.f - alpha) * dx - beta * dy;
    tm[3] = -beta;
    tm[4] = alpha;
    tm[5] = beta * dx + (1.f - alpha) * dy;



    float D = tm[0] * tm[4] - tm[1] * tm[3];
    D = D != 0.f ? 1.f / D : 0.f;

    float A11 = tm[4] * D;
    float A22 = tm[0] * D;
    float A12 = -tm[1] * D;
    float A21 = -tm[3] * D;
    float b1 = -A11 * tm[2] - A12 * tm[5];
    float b2 = -A21 * tm[2] - A22 * tm[5];

    tm_inv[0] = A11;
    tm_inv[1] = A12;
    tm_inv[2] = b1;
    tm_inv[3] = A21;
    tm_inv[4] = A22;
    tm_inv[5] = b2;


∣ x s r c y s r c ∣ = ∣ m 00 m 01 t x m 10 m 11 t y ∣ ∣ x y 1 ∣ \begin{vmatrix} x_{src} \\ y_{src} \end{vmatrix} = \begin{vmatrix} m_{00} & m_{01} & t_x \\ m_{10} & m_{11} & t_y \end{vmatrix} \begin{vmatrix} {x} \\ {y} \\ 1 \end{vmatrix} xsrcysrc=m00m10m01m11txtyxy1

    return warpaffine_bilinear_c1(src, srcw, srch, srcw, dst, w, h, w, tm, type, v);


d s t ( x , y ) = s r c ( M 11 x + M 12 y + M 13 , M 21 x + M 22 y + M 23 ) \mathrm{dst}(x,y)=\mathrm{src}(M_{11}x+M_{12}y+M_{13}, M_{21}x+M_{22}y+M_{23}) dst(x,y)=src(M11x+M12y+M13,M21x+M22y+M23)
Δ a = M 11 x \Delta a = M_{11}x Δa=M11x
Δ b = M 21 x \Delta b = M_{21}x Δb=M21x

    const unsigned char* border_color = (const unsigned char*)&v;
    const int wgap = stride - w;

    const unsigned char* src0 = src;
    unsigned char* dst0 = dst;

#define SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(X) (short)::std::min(::std::max((int)(X), SHRT_MIN), SHRT_MAX)
#define SATURATE_CAST_INT(X)   (int)::std::min(::std::max((int)((X) + ((X) >= 0.f ? 0.5f : -0.5f)), INT_MIN), INT_MAX)

    std::vector<int> adelta(w);
    std::vector<int> bdelta(w);
    for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
        adelta[x] = SATURATE_CAST_INT(tm[0] * x * (1 << 10));
        bdelta[x] = SATURATE_CAST_INT(tm[3] * x * (1 << 10));

X 0 = M 12 y + M 13 X_0=M_{12}y + M_{13} X0=M12y+M13
Y 0 = M 12 y + M 23 Y_0=M_{12}y + M_{23} Y0=M12y+M23
(sx_0, sy_0)(sx_7, sy_7)为源块中的对角坐标。

    int y = 0;
    for (; y < h; y++)
        int X0 = SATURATE_CAST_INT((tm[1] * y + tm[2]) * (1 << 10));
        int Y0 = SATURATE_CAST_INT((tm[4] * y + tm[5]) * (1 << 10));

        int x = 0;
        for (; x + 7 < w; x += 8)
            int sxy_inout = 0;
                int X_0 = X0 + adelta[x];
                int Y_0 = Y0 + bdelta[x];
                int X_7 = X0 + adelta[x + 7];
                int Y_7 = Y0 + bdelta[x + 7];

                short sx_0 = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT((X_0 >> 10));
                short sy_0 = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT((Y_0 >> 10));
                short sx_7 = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT((X_7 >> 10));
                short sy_7 = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT((Y_7 >> 10));

                if (((unsigned short)sx_0 < srcw - 1 && (unsigned short)sy_0 < srch - 1) && ((unsigned short)sx_7 < srcw - 1 && (unsigned short)sy_7 < srch - 1))
                    // all inside
                    sxy_inout = 1;
                else if ((sx_0 < -1 && sx_7 < -1) || (sx_0 >= srcw && sx_7 >= srcw) || (sy_0 < -1 && sy_7 < -1) || (sy_0 >= srch && sy_7 >= srch))
                    // all outside
                    sxy_inout = 2;

vaddq_s32 实现4个整型数相加。[_Xl _Xh] Δ a + X 0 = M 11 x + M 12 y + M 13 \Delta a + X_0 =M_{11}x + M_{12}y + M_{13} Δa+X0=M11x+M12y+M13[_Yl _Yh] Δ b + Y 0 = M 21 x + M 12 y + M 23 \Delta b + Y_0 = M_{21}x + M_{12}y + M_{23} Δb+Y0=M21x+M12y+M23

            if (sxy_inout == 1)
                // all inside
#if __ARM_NEON
                int32x4_t _Xl = vaddq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(X0), vld1q_s32( + x));
                int32x4_t _Xh = vaddq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(X0), vld1q_s32( + x + 4));
                int32x4_t _Yl = vaddq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(Y0), vld1q_s32( + x));
                int32x4_t _Yh = vaddq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(Y0), vld1q_s32( + x + 4));

f ( x , y ) = 1 ( x 2 − x 1 ) ( y 2 − y 1 ) [ x 2 − x x − x 1 ] [ f ( Q 11 ) f ( Q 12 ) f ( Q 21 ) f ( Q 22 ) ] [ y 2 − y y − y 1 ] f(x, y) = \frac{1}{(x_2-x_1)(y_2-y_1)}\begin{bmatrix} x_2 -x & x-x_1 \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} f(Q_{11}) & f(Q_{12}) \\ f(Q_{21}) & f(Q_{22})\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} y_2-y \\ y-y_1 \end{bmatrix} f(x,y)=(x2x1)(y2y1)1[x2xxx1][f(Q11)f(Q21)f(Q12)f(Q22)][y2yyy1]

vqshrn_n_s32 带符号的右移饱和(立即数)。将int结果转成了short
vdupq_n_u32 将向量元素复制到向量或标量。
_v1024m1 1024 − 1 1024-1 10241
vreinterpretq_u32_s32 向量重新解释强制转换操作,有符号转无符号。

vmovn_u32 将每个值缩小到原始宽度的一半。

vcombine_u16 将两个u16合并成32。
_fx_fy x x x y y y 的小数部分。
_alpha0_alpha1 x 2 − x x_2 -x x2x x − x 1 x-x_1 xx1_beta0_beta1 y 2 − y y_2 -y y2y y − y 1 y-y_1 yy1
vsubq_u16 向量减。
vmull_s16 带符号长乘(向量)。

                int16x4_t _sxl = vqshrn_n_s32(_Xl, 10);
                int16x4_t _sxh = vqshrn_n_s32(_Xh, 10);
                int16x4_t _syl = vqshrn_n_s32(_Yl, 10);
                int16x4_t _syh = vqshrn_n_s32(_Yh, 10);

                uint32x4_t _v1024m1 = vdupq_n_u32((1 << 10) - 1);
                uint16x8_t _fx = vcombine_u16(vmovn_u32(vandq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_s32(_Xl), _v1024m1)), vmovn_u32(vandq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_s32(_Xh), _v1024m1)));
                uint16x8_t _fy = vcombine_u16(vmovn_u32(vandq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_s32(_Yl), _v1024m1)), vmovn_u32(vandq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_s32(_Yh), _v1024m1)));

                uint16x8_t _alpha0 = vsubq_u16(vdupq_n_u16(1 << 10), _fx);
                uint16x8_t _alpha1 = _fx;
                uint16x8_t _beta0 = vsubq_u16(vdupq_n_u16(1 << 10), _fy);
                uint16x8_t _beta1 = _fy;

vaddw_s16 为有符号宽加。
_a0l_a0h分别为4个 Q 11 Q_{11} Q11_b0l_b0h分别为4个 Q 21 Q_{21} Q21
vgetq_lane_s32 从一个向量中提取一个通道(元素)。
vld2_lane_u8 从内存中以双向量结构加载两个元素,并将其返回到结果中。 加载的值来自连续的存储器地址。 结构中未加载的元素将按原样返回结果。 n 是要加载的元素的索引。
_a0a1_b0b1中原本为空,每次从指定地址向通道加载一个 N 元素结构。
Q 11 Q_{11} Q11 Q 12 Q_{12} Q12 的地址是相邻的, Q 21 Q_{21} Q21 Q 22 Q_{22} Q22 亦然。这样 vld2_lane_u8 可以同时加载 f ( Q 11 ) f(Q_{11}) f(Q11) f ( Q 12 ) f(Q_{12}) f(Q12),或 f ( Q 21 ) f(Q_{21}) f(Q21) f ( Q 22 ) f(Q_{22}) f(Q22) 中的一个通道。作为对比,TNN 中的 WarpAffineCalculateOneRow 调用两次 vld1_lane_u8
vmovl_u8 左移,对读取的uint8x8_t进行宽度扩展。
_a0_0_a1_0_b0_0_b1_0分别为 f ( Q 11 ) f(Q_{11}) f(Q11) f ( Q 12 ) f(Q_{12}) f(Q12) f ( Q 21 ) f(Q_{21}) f(Q21) f ( Q 22 ) f(Q_{22}) f(Q22)

                int16x4_t _srcstride = vdup_n_s16(srcstride);

                int32x4_t _a0l = vaddw_s16(vmull_s16(_srcstride, _syl), _sxl);
                int32x4_t _a0h = vaddw_s16(vmull_s16(_srcstride, _syh), _sxh);
                int32x4_t _b0l = vaddw_s16(_a0l, _srcstride);
                int32x4_t _b0h = vaddw_s16(_a0h, _srcstride);

                uint8x8x2_t _a0a1 = uint8x8x2_t();
                uint8x8x2_t _b0b1 = uint8x8x2_t();
                    _a0a1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_a0l, 0), _a0a1, 0);
                    _b0b1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_b0l, 0), _b0b1, 0);

                    _a0a1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_a0l, 1), _a0a1, 1);
                    _b0b1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_b0l, 1), _b0b1, 1);

                    _a0a1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_a0l, 2), _a0a1, 2);
                    _b0b1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_b0l, 2), _b0b1, 2);

                    _a0a1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_a0l, 3), _a0a1, 3);
                    _b0b1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_b0l, 3), _b0b1, 3);

                    _a0a1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_a0h, 0), _a0a1, 4);
                    _b0b1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_b0h, 0), _b0b1, 4);

                    _a0a1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_a0h, 1), _a0a1, 5);
                    _b0b1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_b0h, 1), _b0b1, 5);

                    _a0a1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_a0h, 2), _a0a1, 6);
                    _b0b1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_b0h, 2), _b0b1, 6);

                    _a0a1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_a0h, 3), _a0a1, 7);
                    _b0b1 = vld2_lane_u8(src0 + vgetq_lane_s32(_b0h, 3), _b0b1, 7);

                uint16x8_t _a0_0 = vmovl_u8(_a0a1.val[0]);
                uint16x8_t _a1_0 = vmovl_u8(_a0a1.val[1]);
                uint16x8_t _b0_0 = vmovl_u8(_b0b1.val[0]);
                uint16x8_t _b1_0 = vmovl_u8(_b0b1.val[1]);

vget_low_u16 返回128位输入向量的下半部分。输出是一个64位向量,其元素数为输入向量的一半。
vmlal_u16 无符号乘加。将第二和第三个向量中的对应元素相乘,然后将乘积与第一个输入向量中的对应元素相加。
vqshrn_n_u32 将整数的四字向量中的每个元素右移一个立即数,并将结果放入一个双字向量中,如果发生饱和,则置位粘滞 QC 标志(FPSCR 位[27])。
vqmovn_u16 将操作数向量的每个元素复制到目标向量的相应元素。结果元素是操作数元素宽度的一半,并且值会饱和到结果宽度。
f ( Q 11 ) ( x 2 − x ) + f ( Q 12 ) ( x − x 1 ) f(Q_{11})(x_2 -x)+ f(Q_{12})(x-x_1) f(Q11)(x2x)+f(Q12)(xx1)
f ( Q 21 ) ( y 2 − y ) + f ( Q 22 ) ( y − y 1 ) f(Q_{21})(y_2 -y)+ f(Q_{22})(y-y_1) f(Q21)(y2y)+f(Q22)(yy1)

                uint16x4_t _a00_0l = vqshrn_n_u32(vmlal_u16(vmull_u16(vget_low_u16(_a0_0), vget_low_u16(_alpha0)), vget_low_u16(_a1_0), vget_low_u16(_alpha1)), 5);
                uint16x4_t _a00_0h = vqshrn_n_u32(vmlal_u16(vmull_u16(vget_high_u16(_a0_0), vget_high_u16(_alpha0)), vget_high_u16(_a1_0), vget_high_u16(_alpha1)), 5);
                uint16x4_t _b00_0l = vqshrn_n_u32(vmlal_u16(vmull_u16(vget_low_u16(_b0_0), vget_low_u16(_alpha0)), vget_low_u16(_b1_0), vget_low_u16(_alpha1)), 5);
                uint16x4_t _b00_0h = vqshrn_n_u32(vmlal_u16(vmull_u16(vget_high_u16(_b0_0), vget_high_u16(_alpha0)), vget_high_u16(_b1_0), vget_high_u16(_alpha1)), 5);

f ( x , y ) = ( a 0 α 0 + a 1 α 1 ) β 0 + ( b 0 α 0 + b 1 α 1 ) β 1 = f ( Q 11 ) ( x 2 − x ) ( y 2 − y ) + f ( Q 12 ) ( x − x 1 ) ( y 2 − y ) + f ( Q 21 ) ( x 2 − x ) ( y 2 − y ) + f ( Q 22 ) ( x − x 1 ) ( y − y 1 ) \begin{aligned} f(x, y) &= (a_0\alpha_0+ a_1\alpha_1)\beta_0 + (b_0\alpha_0+ b_1\alpha_1)\beta_1\\ &= f(Q_{11})(x_2 -x)(y_2 -y) + f(Q_{12})(x-x_1)(y_2 -y) \\ &\qquad+ f(Q_{21})(x_2 -x)(y_2 -y) + f(Q_{22})(x-x_1)(y-y_1) \end{aligned} f(x,y)=(a0α0+a1α1)β0+(b0α0+b1α1)β1=f(Q11)(x2x)(y2y)+f(Q12)(xx1)(y2y)+f(Q21)(x2x)(y2y)+f(Q22)(xx1)(yy1)

vqmovn_u16 结果元素是操作数元素宽度的一半,并且值会饱和到结果宽度。
vst1_u8 将向量存储到内存中。

                uint16x4_t _dst_0l = vqshrn_n_u32(vmlal_u16(vmull_u16(_a00_0l, vget_low_u16(_beta0)), _b00_0l, vget_low_u16(_beta1)), 15);
                uint16x4_t _dst_0h = vqshrn_n_u32(vmlal_u16(vmull_u16(_a00_0h, vget_high_u16(_beta0)), _b00_0h, vget_high_u16(_beta1)), 15);

                uint8x8_t _dst = vqmovn_u16(vcombine_u16(_dst_0l, _dst_0h));

                vst1_u8(dst0, _dst);

                dst0 += 8;


                for (int xi = 0; xi < 8; xi++)
                    int X = X0 + adelta[x + xi];
                    int Y = Y0 + bdelta[x + xi];

                    short sx = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT((X >> 10));
                    short sy = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT((Y >> 10));

                    short fx = X & ((1 << 10) - 1);
                    short fy = Y & ((1 << 10) - 1);

                    short alpha0 = (1 << 10) - fx;
                    short alpha1 = fx;

                    short beta0 = (1 << 10) - fy;
                    short beta1 = fy;

                    const unsigned char* a0 = src0 + srcstride * sy + sx;
                    const unsigned char* a1 = src0 + srcstride * sy + sx + 1;
                    const unsigned char* b0 = src0 + srcstride * (sy + 1) + sx;
                    const unsigned char* b1 = src0 + srcstride * (sy + 1) + sx + 1;

                    dst0[0] = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short)((a0[0] * alpha0 + a1[0] * alpha1) >> 5) * beta0)) + (((unsigned short)((b0[0] * alpha0 + b1[0] * alpha1) >> 5) * beta1))) >> 15);

                    dst0 += 1;
#endif // __ARM_NEON


            else if (sxy_inout == 2)
                // all outside
                if (type != -233)
#if __ARM_NEON
                    uint8x8_t _border_color = vdup_n_u8(border_color[0]);
                    vst1_u8(dst0, _border_color);
                    for (int xi = 0; xi < 8; xi++)
                        dst0[xi] = border_color[0];
#endif // __ARM_NEON
                    // skip

                dst0 += 8;


  • 如果不是透明模式且源像素在边界外则直接取填充值;
  • 如果是透明模式且源像素在右下边界上或右下边界外则跳过;
  • 否则根据位置独立确定a0a1b0b1的值。
            else // if (sxy_inout == 0)
                for (int xi = 0; xi < 8; xi++)
                    int X = X0 + adelta[x + xi];
                    int Y = Y0 + bdelta[x + xi];

                    short sx = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT((X >> 10));
                    short sy = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT((Y >> 10));

                    if (type != -233 && (sx < -1 || sx >= srcw || sy < -1 || sy >= srch))
                        dst0[0] = border_color[0];
                    else if (type == -233 && ((unsigned short)sx >= srcw - 1 || (unsigned short)sy >= srch - 1))
                        // skip
                        short fx = X & ((1 << 10) - 1);
                        short fy = Y & ((1 << 10) - 1);

                        short alpha0 = (1 << 10) - fx;
                        short alpha1 = fx;

                        short beta0 = (1 << 10) - fy;
                        short beta1 = fy;

                        short sx1 = sx + 1;
                        short sy1 = sy + 1;

                        const unsigned char* a0 = src0 + srcstride * sy + sx;
                        const unsigned char* a1 = src0 + srcstride * sy + sx + 1;
                        const unsigned char* b0 = src0 + srcstride * (sy + 1) + sx;
                        const unsigned char* b1 = src0 + srcstride * (sy + 1) + sx + 1;

                        if ((unsigned short)sx >= srcw || (unsigned short)sy >= srch)
                            a0 = type != -233 ? border_color : dst0;
                        if ((unsigned short)sx1 >= srcw || (unsigned short)sy >= srch)
                            a1 = type != -233 ? border_color : dst0;
                        if ((unsigned short)sx >= srcw || (unsigned short)sy1 >= srch)
                            b0 = type != -233 ? border_color : dst0;
                        if ((unsigned short)sx1 >= srcw || (unsigned short)sy1 >= srch)
                            b1 = type != -233 ? border_color : dst0;

                        dst0[0] = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short)((a0[0] * alpha0 + a1[0] * alpha1) >> 5) * beta0)) + (((unsigned short)((b0[0] * alpha0 + b1[0] * alpha1) >> 5) * beta1))) >> 15);

                    dst0 += 1;


        for (; x < w; x++)
            int X = X0 + adelta[x];
            int Y = Y0 + bdelta[x];

            short sx = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT((X >> 10));
            short sy = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT((Y >> 10));

            if (type != -233 && (sx < -1 || sx >= srcw || sy < -1 || sy >= srch))
                dst0[0] = border_color[0];
            else if (type == -233 && ((unsigned short)sx >= srcw - 1 || (unsigned short)sy >= srch - 1))
                // skip
                short fx = X & ((1 << 10) - 1);
                short fy = Y & ((1 << 10) - 1);

                short alpha0 = (1 << 10) - fx;
                short alpha1 = fx;

                short beta0 = (1 << 10) - fy;
                short beta1 = fy;

                short sx1 = sx + 1;
                short sy1 = sy + 1;

                const unsigned char* a0 = src0 + srcstride * sy + sx;
                const unsigned char* a1 = src0 + srcstride * sy + sx + 1;
                const unsigned char* b0 = src0 + srcstride * (sy + 1) + sx;
                const unsigned char* b1 = src0 + srcstride * (sy + 1) + sx + 1;

                if ((unsigned short)sx >= srcw || (unsigned short)sy >= srch)
                    a0 = type != -233 ? border_color : dst0;
                if ((unsigned short)sx1 >= srcw || (unsigned short)sy >= srch)
                    a1 = type != -233 ? border_color : dst0;
                if ((unsigned short)sx >= srcw || (unsigned short)sy1 >= srch)
                    b0 = type != -233 ? border_color : dst0;
                if ((unsigned short)sx1 >= srcw || (unsigned short)sy1 >= srch)
                    b1 = type != -233 ? border_color : dst0;

                dst0[0] = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short)((a0[0] * alpha0 + a1[0] * alpha1) >> 5) * beta0)) + (((unsigned short)((b0[0] * alpha0 + b1[0] * alpha1) >> 5) * beta1))) >> 15);

            dst0 += 1;

        dst0 += wgap;



  • opencv ncnn warpaffine 性能测试
  • OpenCV warpAffine的天坑
  • 学术资讯 | TNN新版本上线!全新特性,更加好用!
  • ComputeLibrary/src/core/NEON/kernels/NEWarpKernel.cpp
  • Image Transformations
  • Bilinear Interpolation
  • Bilinear interpolation
  • NEON优化
  • NEON intrinsics for extracting lanes from a vector into a register
  • D.9.5. VLD2_LANE
  • ARM Neon 编程(一):读取与存储
  • D.9.2. VLD1_LANE
  • NEON Programmer’s Guide(2) —— 让编译器帮你实现NEON加速
  • 使用ARM NEON Intrinsics加速Video Codec
  • NEON intrinsics for converting vectors
  • 常用NEON 内置函数记录备用
  • NEON intrinsics for loading an N-element structure
  • ARM NEON 优化
  • WarpAffine
  • Decomposition of a nonsquare affine matrix
  • Decompose affine transformation (including shear in x and y)
  • Decomposing an Affine transformation
  • Given this transformation matrix, how do I decompose it into translation, rotation and scale matrices?
  • Image Warping
  • Affine and Perspective Warping
  • 2D Geometrical Transformations
  • 5.2DtransformsAhandout.pdf
  • Geometric Transformations
  • Opencv 仿射变换原理代码解析
  • NEON intrinsics for extracting lanes from a vector into a register
  • NEON intrinsics for loading an N-element structure


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